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Frequently Asked Questions

We know that taking steps towards your health goals are not a small decision.  As you are evaluating whether or not Excellis Nutrition is right for you, feel free to review some of the common questions that people normally have.

Is a Dietitian the same as a Nutritionist/Nutrition Coach?

A Dietitian is a nutritionist/nutrition coach,  but also a medical professional.  Being that dietitians are considered a healthcare professional, your experience working with a dietitian will be very different from working with nutrition coaches.  Dietitians take a more holistic approach to your nutrition, examining your health, behavior, and environmental factors that impact your eating.  Dietitians are the only professionals that are legally allowed to provide medical nutrition therapy and have the expertise to help with behavior therapy regarding your eating and nutrition.  In addition, it is important to note that the term "nutritionist" is not protected under law, meaning anyone can use that term even if they do not have any formal training, while dietitians are registered and licensed to practice and were required to graduate from masters program, have practicum hours, and take a national test to be accredited.  

Are all dietitians the same?

No,  just like you have specialized medical doctors, you can have specialized dietitians.  Not all dietitians have expertise in weight management, eating disorders, sports nutrition, etc.  Though many dietitians can help you generally with a healthy diet,  it is recommended that you see a specialist if you have special concerns that need to be addressed.

What can I expect from my appointment?

Each appointment is different and catered to the individuals needs, however, all appointments start with an initial assessment which includes questions on ones health history, diet history, and current lifestyle habits.  Based on the individual needs a client may need education, a specialized eating protocol, or behavioral change.  It is all dependent upon the clients needs.  Most appointments lasts about 1 hour, however some appointments may be as short as 30 minutes or as long as 2 hours.  For your initial assessment, plan for about 1 hour and 15 min.

Can't I just go see my doctor/ trainer/ chiropractor/ etc. for nutrition advice?

Some health care and fitness professionals do have an understanding about nutrition and can provide good nutrition advice; however, this is not the case in all situations.  It needs to be said that dietitians have at least 4 years of nutrition training from an didactic accredited university compared to most other professionals who generally take only a few nutrition courses.  The level of knowledge and expertise will be different as dietitians are required to learn more than the average nutritionist. Unfortunately, many other professionals get their information from the media or from a few select studies which is not the basis of good nutrition advice.  In addition,  many people get caught up with the appearance of the person giving them the nutrition advice.  Many people believe that if they look healthy then they must be qualified to teach nutrition advice.  Appearance can be deceiving and is not a true indication of health or nutrition knowledge.  Though some of them may have great nutrition advice,  it must be noted that they are still not considered nutrition experts in the field and normally provides advice through a narrow lens.   It is better to get advice from the true nutrition experts, dietitians, concerning such matters. There is a reason why 95% of individuals fail at their diet. There are right way and wrong way to achieve your health goals.  Choose the right way and seek an expert in the field.,   Dr. Ellis in particular has 12 years of nutrition training in addition to over 10 years of nutrition experience., we hope you consider her as you are deciding your nutrition expert.

How much does it cost to see a dietitian?

Dietitian prices vary from practitioner to practitioner.  Self pay clients may pay anything from $25-450 per visit depending upon the dietitian, the services, and the expertise level of the dietitian, however most self-pay consultations are typically between $50-200. Some dietitians offer lower rates for those in financial needs, but this is again based on the practitioners preference.  Please contact Excellis Nutrition for Dr. Ellis's pricing, you can do so by filling out the contact form here and she will email you back in 24-48hours, or consider scheduling a Discovery call if you would like to speak with her regarding the services and the different options available.  Special discounts are also available throughout the year and to certain populations (see below).  Dr. Ellis does not want finance be an issue for clients.  Everyone has the right to affordable health care.  If you have financial concerns please contact Dr. Ellis directly for her to formulate a package that is right for you and your budget.  Also feel free to sign up on the email list to find out when we have special offers. 

Why do dietitians cost more than nutritionist/nutrition coaches?

Dietitians are healthcare professionals that can actually help you make the health and lifestyle changes if you are willing to invest the time and energy on it.  Majority of clients state the money spent was worth the investment because they finally had a better understanding of what was going on in their body and how to realistically accomplish their goals.  The question is "are you willing to invest in your health?"  Many people will spend the same amount of money on things that degrade or doesn't benefit their health in anyway.  Why not spend your money on an investment that will help you live longer and happier.  

I have a child that needs nutrition help, can I be present at the appointment?

Yes, it is actually required for children to be accompanied with their parents.  Teens may have their appointment by themselves with the permission of their parents.  Parents are welcome to come to their teens appointments as well.

My whole family /spouse  wants to become healthy, Can we do a group appointment?

It is ideal to focus on one individual at a time when doing the initial appointments.  Remember,  dietitians are still healthcare professionals.  As you typically do not do a group appointment when you visit your family doctor's appointment, it is not typical for in the dietetic setting as well.  You may choose to do your initial appointments back to back, and you may also have your family member present during your initial assessment.  After your initial assessment, depending on your family needs, group sessions can be offered if the families needs are similar, however this is on a case by case basis and must be cleared by the dietitian.  The dietitian has the right to deny group sessions if she feels it is not appropriate at that time.

Are there any special discounts?

Yes,  being that Stacie grew up as an "Army Brat", she understands the time and commitment our service men and women put in.  There are discounts available for active and veteran service men/women and their spouses (must show military ID).  There are also discounts available for our first responders (police, fire fighters, EMTs, and paramedics) and for college students (with proof of enrollment).  Contact for more info. 

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